Using The Social Media To Supercharge Your Small Business.
Is your small business not generating enough leads? Or are you finding it very difficult to get more customers and clients to patronize your business and drive more sales? Then it is time you consider igniting and supercharging it with the social media. The social media has the capacity to ignite, spark-off and revive your small business, until it becomes supercharged. So many small business owners are still oblivious of the efficacy of the social media in making their business become the cream of the crop. And if your business does not yet have a presence on social media, then you're obviously lagging behind. Because, gone are the days when business are only done offline, and the online business or social media business is treated with so much levity.The importance of using the social networking sites to make your small business feature prominently among many small businesses cannot be over-emphasized. It puts you ahead of other small business owners whose business isn't yet visible on social sites. One major reason your business should have a presence on social media is because, so many of your potential customers and clients are on various social sites, and they are more interested in transacting online business, or getting more information about any business before going offline to locate such business place. Futhermore, there is a whole lot of competitions among small-scale businesses, therefore taking your business from the offline to the online business or participating in both can help your business gain more popularity, stand-out among all other small businesses, and you'll definitely carve out a niche for yourself. The world is gradually moving from being a global village to a global kitchen, because of the innovations in technology. You don't need to be everywhere to transact your business or get people to know what you do. You can be anywhere in the world, or in that little corner and get the whole world to know about your business, if only you can take advantage of these advancement in technology to grow your business, master and apply all the rudiments of succeeding in online or social media business. Remember, knowledge is key, and it gives you an edge over others, and the proper application of the social media business knowledge will help you to stand-out, and be far ahead of others.
A lot of small business owners often complains of their business not generating enough leads, getting more customers and clients through the social media and driving more sales. As a small business owner who wants to succeed in social media business, you must employ all necessary tools that will help you to become successful, and also know the nifty-gritty involved in succeeding in social media business. There are social media business rules, ethics and best practices that you must observe in order to make you and your business stand-out in social networking sites. This rules and ethics are very easy, and they are more of your relationship with others, and how you package yourself as the best salesman. Proper and effective packaging of yourself, your products and services on social media will help to drive more traffic to your business, and generate the leads you desire. You must be able to figure out what your fans, clients and customers are looking for, or are expecting from you, and channel your ideas towards that area. A lot of small business owners treat their social media business account with great levity, because they are more concerned and comfortable with the physical brick and mortar store. This is why they find it very difficult to attract more clients and customers to their business through the social media. To succeed in social media business, you must take it very seriously, and do it as if nothing else to do. You must find time to frequently engage with your fans, clients and customers on those social sites where your business have a presence, and constantly post new and interesting things about your business. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google plus, Pinterest, Youtube, Myspace, Foresquare, Dailymotion, Yelp etc. are important social sites your business should have a presence. Read my former post on: "7 Most Important Social Media Platforms Your Business Should Have A Presence". To discover how to do business on this social sites. The social sites are also platforms for advertising your business to millions of people all over the world. Facebook alone has over two billion users worldwide, and facebook gives you the opportunity to advertise your business for only $10, and make more people connect with your business.
Another way you can supercharge your business with the social media and generate more leads, is to create very interesting online contents that are relevant to your business, and share them to all your social networking sites. Creating online contents for your small business can do all the magic of making your business outstanding in no distant time. When you create contents for your business throhgh blogging about your business, it makes you stand-out in social media, when people search for anything relating to your business on search engines as google, bing and yahoo, Your contents shows up in search results and your business gets noticed. You can hire a professional content creator, to create content for your business and make it visible to search engines.
Frequently commenting on other blogs and websites, and sharing the contents that are relevant to your business to your social networking sites can also help to grow your business and give it the popularity it deserves. Succeeding in social media business requires you to connect with other businesses that are similar to yours. You can't become an island when it comes to succeeding in social media business. You must connect, engage, interact, and share ideas with other similar small business owners. Be creative in administering your social media business, and always find time to post new things, and interact with all your fans, clients and customers on social media in order to generate more leads, drive more traffic to your business, and make your business stand-out.
Best Social Media Platforms For Small Business Owners.
It is no longer news that social media business has taken a formidable and unprecedented dimension in the scheme of things in the business world, and the era of taking online business or social media business with so much levity has since elapsed. Gone are the days where business are done only in the brick and mortar way, where you only need to have a physical store to be able to do business, but these is an era of click and mortar business, where you set up an online store, and people click to transact business. With more and more people getting aware of online business, and millions of people all over the world signing up daily for various social sites, it definitely means that social media business is gradually becoming the cream of the crop, and may eventually overtake the offline physical store business. Therefore, as a small business owner, if your business hasn't establish its prescence online and on social sites, or you're reluctant about social media business, then you're actually depriving yourself the privilege of getting your business known to majority of your potential customers and clients who are leveraging online business and the social media, as a means of transacting business.In these particular post, i want to discus seven most important social media platforms your business needs to have a prescence in, and how to use them to publicize your business.
Below are the 7 best social media platforms suitable for your small business.
Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and it is undoubtedly the largest social site that every small business owner must leverage on to publicize their business, and establish their business presence. Facebook alone has over two billion fans worldwide, with millions of people all over the world signing up daily to make their presence known. So many people sign up for facebook for different things. Probably, to connect with old and distant family and friends, to connect with their favorite celebrity, share photos, post interesting thoughts and carve out a niche for themselves on the social site. But as a small business owner, your goal of establishing your presence on facebook, should be to make your business know to the whole world, get more fans, clients and customers, drive more traffic to your business, and consequently increase sale. Facebook alone can help you do a whole lot of this. Millions of people on facebook are interested in your business, and they want to know about it. But how can you reach out to them without establishing your business presence on these social site?Now, how can you advertise your business on facebook? Facebook has given every business owner the privilege to advertise their business, through creating a facebook business page for their business. Your facebook account should be your business page account, your business name is your brand name on facebook. Creating a facebook business page for your business, will help to distinguish your business and make your customers and clients connect directly with your business. Creating a facebook business page with your business name, is one way of making your business known to the whole world and getting more people to know about your products and services. When you create a facebook business page for your business, you need to clearly define your business, your products and services so that people who are seeing your business page for the first time can know what you've got to offer. After creating a facebook business page for your business, facebook also gives you the opportunity to advertise your business for only $10, so that more people all over the world can see your business page and connect with it. For your business to succeed on facebook, you must frequently connect and interact with your fans, customers and clients, so they can know more about your business and patronize you.
Facebook is certainly one of the best social media platform your business should have a presence, because it has the capacity of growing your business, driving more traffic to it, and increase your sales.
Twitter is also another important social media platform that cannot be neglected when it comes to social media business. Twitter can be said to be next to facebook in terms of the number of people signing up daily for it. Twitter is also very important for advertising your business, connecting with other similar businesses and carving out a niche for your business. To succeed on twitter as a small business owner, you need to use the maximum 140 characters giving by twitter to clearly define your business in short sentence, so that people can no more about you and your business, and follow you. But unlike facebook, where people see your business page and "like" it, in facebook terms, when you advertise it. In twitter, those who share similar business ideas with you, are the ones that will follow you on twitter, and the more you post about your business, the more you get more followers. Obviously, these absolutely means that you must post frequently to get more followers. Hence, creating a blog or website for your business and posting content from it directly to your twitter account, will help you to get more followers. You can also use the search engines to search other businesses related to your own business, and post the contents to your twitter account. By doing this, you'll get more twitter followers, more people will know about your business, and definitely carve out a niche for yourself on twitter.Creating a twitter list for your business is also very important, because this is where your twitter followers connects directly with you, and you share ideas based on your business. Twitter is an important social site that can't be neglected when it comes to social media business.
Linkedin is also another important social networking site to establish your business presence as a small business owner. Linkedin is a professional social networking site where different professionals in different field connect with each other. As a small business owner, linkedin is good for you, because it brings you into contact with other users who share or have similar business with yours. Linkedin is a social networking site that opens the door to more opportunities, especially when you frequently post and share important and interesting topics, or something about your business. When you establish your business on linkedin, you'll be reaching out to millions of people worldwide who also do your kind of business. Linkedin is about networking, the more you share thought-provoking posts, the more people connect with you, and you keep growing your network. If you're not yet on linkedin as a professional, or as a small business owner, i encourage you to sign up today, and begin to grow your network, and get more people know about your business.4. GOOGLE PLUS:
Google plus is another social site that is hosted by google. Google plus also helps you to advertise your business and get more people to connect with you. When you sign up for google mail, google also gives you an opportunity to add a google plus page, where you describe yourself, your business, your location and what you do. Google +, means an addition, you add more friends to a relevent circle, either as friends, acquintances, family, or people you want to follow. Google plus is an interesting social site that gives you all the freedom to talk about your business, and share posts relating to your business. A lot of people are on google plus, and they're using it to share their experiences, talk about their business and establish themselves on social media. Google plus is very important for your business as a business owner, where you've got the opportunity to have your business listed on google places, and get more people know about it. People also add you to a circle, when they find your page interesting. Use google plus to build your business and expand your circles. Google has also recently introduced a google plus hangout, where you can organize a forum to connect with your friends live, through a video web cam, to discus issues and share ideas. Google plus is very necessary to expand your business on social media and reach out to others.5. PINTEREST:
Pinterest is also another social media platform that is very necessary for your small business. Infact, pinterest is mainly created as a social media business platform, to enable business owners share their businesses with the world, connect with similar businesses, increase traffic to their business and drive more sale. If you're not yet utilizing pinterest to grow your business, then you're certainly missing out as a small business owner. Pinterest allows you to upload and share photos about your business, to enable your fans, potential customers and clients have an insight about your products or services. Pinterest is very important in growing your business on social media, and get more people to know about it. Everything you need to grow your business online is available on pinterest, you only need to choose your area of interest which is relevant to your business, and begin to upload photos and share posts about your business.6.YOUTUBE:
Youtube is definitely important for your small business, if you're into a servicing business or product manufacturing. As you all know, youtube is all about uploading videos of whatever you've done or you're into. If you're into a servicing business or manufacturing business, then youtube is good for you. You can upload a video of such business on youtube and millions of people all over the world can see and watch it when they search for something relevant to it. Youtube has the capacity of driving more traffic to your business, when you take advantage of it to grow your business.7. FORESQUARE:
Foresquare is another social media platform that is necessary to grow and expand your business. Foresquare has to do with the location of your business. Establishing your business on foresquare, will help people know about your business location. When people visits your business place on foresquare, they leave a recommendation about your business location for more people to know the location and connect with it. Foresquare is good for driving more traffic to your business, through helping people know your business spot.This are my list of 7 most important social media platform to establish your business presence. Establishing your business presence on them, will help you to drive more traffic to your business.
Seven ways To Make Your Business Stand-out In Social Media.
Making your small business stand-out in social sites isn't as awkward as you may think. In these days of competitive economy, where every small business owner are involved in the competition of trying to make their business become the "cream de la cream" of the people. It is imperative to make your business stand-out wherever you find yourself, especially on social media. In order to attract more loyal fans, customers and clients, and drive more traffic to your business and increase sales. Making your business stand-out in social media requires you to know the nifty-gritty involved in social media business success.In these post, i'm going to share with you 8 simple ways to that will make your business stand-out in social media, if you consistently follow them through.
Below are seven simple ways to make your business stand-out in social media.
Creativity is the ability to think in an abstract manner, and bring into existence something that was not already there. As a small business owner, you need to be creative in fashioning out new areas to pitch your business tenth, and diversify your strategies in making your business stand-out and gain the popularity it deserves. Being creative on social media business, means thinking and exploring other ways of making your business interesting to your fans, clients and customers and make them participate more effectively in your social media business page. You need to constantly review your business page to discover other features you can add to it, or what needs to be changed to make it look more attractive and engaging to your fans, clients and customers. Creativity is actually very necessary in succeeding in both online and offline business, and can make you stand-out as a small business owner.
Proper and effective packaging of your business, either products or services can help your business stand-out, in both online and offline. Your business is your brand name, and it represents you, how you package it has a lot to tell about you. Proper packaging of your products or services is extremely attractive to anyone. In social media, your fans, potential customers and clients will only connect with your business when they find it very attractive. They do not see you physically, therefore what attracts them to you or your business, is how you package it. No body will like to connect or patronize a half-haphazardly finish products or service. This is why you definitely need to properly and effectively package your products or services and make it stand-out.3. BE DIFFERENT:
There are a lot of competition in the business world, and even in the social media business. So many people are into the same kind of business which actually makes it difficult to determine or decide the best. However, these competition is healthy and important, because it brings out the best business owners and ensures quality products and services. As a small business owner, if you want your business to stand-out in social media, you definitely need to be different from others, do things different from what others are doing. You can't continue to do things the same way and expect to get a different result. You must always look out for something you can do differently, no matter how small it is, to enable your business stand-out and get the attention it deserves.4. REWARD YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS:
A lot of small business owners never find time to reward their loyal fans, clients and customers, and make them feel appreciated. Rewarding your loyal customers and clients keeps them interested in your business, and makes them feel relaxed and relevant. It makes your business stand-out, and also drives more traffic to your business. As a business owner, you don't have to be too selfish in rewarding your loyal customers and clients. Give them discounts on some of your products and services, it makes them feel you're not just interested in their money, but also cares about their happiness and wellbeing.5. BE ACCESSIBLE:
So many social media business owners are never accessible to their customers and clients. They inadvertently makes it difficult for their fans, customers and clients unable to reach them, connect or interact with them. Apart from establishing your business prescence on social sites, you also need to clearly make your business location and address public, so that your potential fans, clients and customers can locate your business and know more about it. This is why you need to use yelp, foresquare, and Google places to drive more traffic to your business and get more people to know about your business, and also increase sales.6. SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT:
Engaging your fans, clients and customers on all social sites is one way of driving more traffic to your business, and making it stand-out on social sites. A lot of small business owners who have taken the time to establish themselves and their business on social media lacks the interest to engage and interact with their fans, clients and customers on these social sites. These is absolutely a bad social media business practice, and it negates social media business ethics. It isn't enough to establish your business prescence on social media without actually making-out time for social media engagement. In order to keep your fans, clients and customers interested in your business on social media, and make your business stand-out, you definitely need to find time to engage with them on social media. It makes them develop trust and confidence in you, and goes a long way to show them that you're serious about your business.7. INNOVATE:
Innovation is key to any development. Therefore, business innovation is essential to make your business grow and stand-out. Innovation means discovering new ways of doing things, in order to add value. As a small business owner, you certainly need to innovate new ways of packaging and marketing your products or services and add value to it. In social media, you need to innovate new ways of engaging with your fans, clients and customers, in order to make your business stand-out.This are my lists of seven ways to make your business stand-out on social media.
Simple Ways To Keep Your Customers And Clients Interested In Your Products And Services.
A lot of Small business owners often complain about not getting enough customers or clients to patronize their business. And few others also complains about always loosing their loyal customers and clients. Succeeding in a small business requires you to maintain a very good relationship with your clients and customers, in order to keep them coming back and always interested in what you've got to offer. There are obviously simple techniques and strategies that you need to employ to help retain your customers and clients, and even attract more people to come patronize your business.Here are 7 simple ways to keep your clients and customers interested in your products and services.
1. PACKAGING: Proper packaging of your products and services will definitely help you attract new people to come patronize your business, and also helps you to retain your loyal customers and clients. The first thing people see when they look at your business, is the packaging. How you package your business as a small business owner matters a lot, especially if your business has to do with product marketing. You definitely need to package your business properly, to make it look very conspicuous to your potential clients and customers.
2. VALUE FOR MONEY: Everyone wants a value for their money, including your customers and clients. When they spend money on a particular product or service, they're expecting you to offer them something commensurate to the amount of money they're spending. When you offer them a product or service that is proportionate to the amount of money they're spending for such service or product, and they're convinced you gave them a value for their money, then they will definitely come back for more. But if they're not convinced of getting a value for their money, or they eventually find out from some else doing the same kind of business you're into, and with a better deal, then you stand the risk of loosing them out to others. You definitely need to ensure you're giving your clients and customers a value for their money, with the best deals, in order to retain and keep them interested in your products and services.
3. BE THE BEST SALESPERSON: Attracting more customers and clients to your business and also retaining the existing ones, requires you to be the best salesperson. As a small business owner, have you ever pondered on why some business owners have more customers or clients than others? Or why some customers loves to patronize a particular salesperson than the other? Succeeding in your small business, attracting more people to patronize your business and retaining your existing customers requires you to be the best salesperson. How you package yourself and your products and services, how you talk, relate and interact with people matters a lot. Being polite to your potential customers and clients is key to attracting more people to your business and retaining your existing clients and customers. Nobody would want to patronize someone who is rude to customers, or who does not package him or herself properly. Every potential client or customer wants to be wooed, so you definitely need to learn how to be the best salesperson, so as to attract and retain your potential customers and clients, and drive more sales.
4. TREAT EVERYONE LIKE A MILLION DOLLAR CUSTOMER OR CLIENT: If you really want to attract more customers and clients to your business, and also retain the existing and loyal ones, then you must treat every customer or client like a million dollar customer. Sometimes, as a small business owner, you may be tempted to be biased in dealing with your customers and clients. You're tempted to take one customer more seriously more than the other, probably, because the former wants to transact or buy a product that's worth money than the latter, and you decide to give more preference to him or her. This is actually not a good business practice, because you definitely will be loosing more customers and clients. To succeed in your small business, attract and retain your customers and clients, you must be able to treat everyone equally, strike a balance between this two, so that you don't leave the other person disappointed.
5. SATISFY THEIR WANTS: The essence of starting a business is to satisfy the wants of your customers and clients,help them get what they desire, solve their problem and get paid for your services, or the product you offered. The reason your customers or clients approaches your business center, is to get what they desire, and they see it that you're in a better position to help them achieve their desires. But if you're not able to meet their needs, or assist them in how they can get their needs met, then they'll loose confidence in you and decide to look for alternatives. As a small business owner, your paramount aim should be to satisfy the needs of your customers or clients, help them get what they want, or direct them to where they can get solution to their problems. Don't be too selfish, always assist people to achieve their desires. It makes them repose trust and confidence in you, and always wants to run back to you for any assistance.
6. ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE, DON'T RUN OUT OF STOCK FOR TOO LONG: Your customers and clients often gets wearied when they realize that you're not always available, or you always run out of stock for so long. How will you feel when you go to buy a particular product from your trusted seller, with the hope of getting what you need, but each time you get there, its always we've ran out of stock? Definitely you want be happy as a customer, and you might consider going to other places and probably, stick to that new place. When you as a small business owner always complain of running out stock to your customers, you make them loose interest in your business, and probably, see you as an unserious business owner. You need to always endeavor to satisfy the needs of your customers, so as to keep them interested in your business, without thinking of alternatives.
7. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS INTEREST AT HEART: For you to succeed as a small business owner, attract more customers and clients and retain your existing customers and clients, you need to keep the interest of your customers and clients at heart. Always have the desire to satisfy them, make them happy, and make them feel they've got value for their money. Until you begin to put the interest of your clients and customers at heart, you might find it very difficult meeting their needs and satisfying them, and subsequently retaining them.
This are my 7 ways of keeping your clients and customers interested in your business.
Do You Need More Traffic To Your Small Business?
A lot of small business owners often complain about getting more people to know about their business on the internet and through the social media, or getting more loyal customers and clients. This is the challenge most small business owners are facing. Undoubtedly, the most difficult and worrisome aspect of starting a new business is getting people to know about your products and services, and what you've got to offer, or probably getting and keeping loyal customers. It is even worse, especially in these days of competitive business, where a whole lot of people are into the same business. However, getting people to know about your business or getting more loyal customers shouldn't discourage you from starting a business, it only takes a single step of believing in yourself and what you do. And if you've done your research very well on the business, and have a well thought-out and comprehensive business plan, and have learnt all the nifty-gritty involved in succeeding in a business, then getting people to know about it, or having more customers will not be much of a difficult task, it will come naturally with time and consistency. But for the purpose of these post, i'll be limiting my argument to driving more traffic to your business on the internet and through the social media with this seven key ways. Below are my seven ways you can drive more traffic to your business on the internet, and on social media1.BLOGGING: Blogging about your business is one major way of getting your business known to the whole world. Your business is your brand name, and your blog is your niche, so creating a business blog for your business, means carving out a niche for yourself, among other competitors. The importance of creating a corporate business blog to blog about your products and services cannot be over-emphasized. It helps your business rank higher, and people actually comes to know more about it. It also shows the seriousness you attach to your business, because people take your business seriously when they see the seriousness you attach to it. A blog is definitely a perfect way to share anything you know with the world, including your business. When you create a blog for your business, you also need to create various page sections relevant to your business to enable your readers have an all-inclusive view of your products and services. Wordpress and blogger gives you the privilige to create various pages in your blog, like the, about me and the home page. But for a business blog, you can add your contact details and products and services to the lists of pages, where you will describe your products and services and how your readers, clients and customers can contact you. However your blog will not be complete if you don't include social media sharing buttons as, facebook, twitter, linkedin, google plus, pinterest and other social sites, to enable your readers share your contents. Having a blog without social sharing buttons will be like being alone in your own niche and no one notices you're there. Also share contents frequently from your blog to attracts more visitors to your blog. Use search engines friendly keywords and tags to enable search engines pick up your contents faster, and you rank higher when people search for something relevant to your business.
2. FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE: Facebook is the largest social networking site with over two billion users worldwide. Everyday, more people keeps signing up for facebook and more business owners keeps establishing their business prescence on facebook. Facebook gives every business owner the opportunity to establish their business prescence, and advertise their business on it, and connect with their fans, clients and customers, through creating a business page with their business name. Therefore, if your business is not yet found or listed on facebook business pages, then you're missing out on a whole lot of your potential customers and clients. Can you phantom the number of people worldwide that would have probably known about your business just by creating a very nice and all-encompassing facebook business page for your business and advertising it for just $10 with facebook? Creating a facebook business page for your business and advertising it on facebook, is certainly one sure way of attracting more customers and driving more traffic to it on the internet and through the social media. Also remember to link your business page with your blog, so you can post the contents from your blog directly to your facebook business page. These also points your readers, fans, clients and customers to your blog and make them have confidence in you, it also increases your blog traffic.
3. FACEBOOK GROUP: Apart from having a facebook business page for your business, creating a facebook group with your business name also helps you to drive more traffic to your business, and puts you in control of your business. Facebook group helps you to connect better with your clients, customers and other group members. This is a platform where you share ideas with your group members about your products and services and how to improve upon them. You also know what your clients and customers thinks about you and your business. You can start by adding your facebook friends and family members who are also interested in business to the group, and through networking, other people who are not directly related to you, but are interested in your business will ask to join the group. This is how you build your connection, expand your business and establish yourself as a social media savvy entrepreneur.
4. SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT: It isn't enough to establish your business on social sites without finding quality time to effectively engage your fans, clients and customers on this social networking sites. It will become an effort in futility. Your potential fans, clients and customers wants to engage, connect and interact with you, so they can know more about you, your products and services and what you've got to offer. The only way to know more about those who are intersted in your business and what they think about it, is to from time to time visit your social media business accounts to see what they're saying about your business, and leave a reply, message or innovations about your business. It will help them to build and repose their trust and confidence in you.
5.BE INTERESTING: Making your business interesting to your fans, followers, customers and clients can keep them interested in your business and also drive more traffic to your business blog and increase your social media business success. Nobody wants to connect with a boring facebook business page or an empty blog without interesting contents, it is a big turn-off to your fans, followers, customers and clients. Being interesting means employing all the necessary social media engagement techniques that makes more people like your business and keeps your fans and followers, customers and clients coming back for more. Don't always try to impress them, but endeavour to interest them. Impressing them may not last longer, and may in the long run portray you as not being real. Because to always impress someone, you might need to become a magician, that always wants to look for new tricks to impress his or her followers. But when you interest them, you're making yourself real to them, and also giving them reasons to comeback to your blog or business page for more. You can be interesting by taking cognizance of any fan or any user that subscribes to your blog or likes your page, let them know you appreciate their interest in your blog or your page, and promise them more better deal. Post interesting topics on your blog and ask your readers to comment on them, leave intersting questions on your social media business page, organize a forum on your facebook group, and use google plus hangout to bring your fans, follower, clients and customers together to share ideas and discuss about your business.
6. COMMENT ON OTHER BLOGS: Posting comments on other blogs, especially well-known and established blogs can help drive more traffic to your blog and and your business page on social media. Don't be too selfish or too busy to comment on other blogs, it surely paves the way for other bloggers to notice you and your blog and drive more traffic to it. You can't be an island when it comes to succeeding in business, you must definitely connect with other bloggers, and those who share the same business ideas with you. Try commenting on other blogs and see how it will increase traffic to your blog and business.
7.CREATING CONTENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS: Creating online content relevant to your business is also one major way of making your business popular on the internet and driving more traffic to your business through the social media. Online contents are necessary to boost your site traffic and make your business visible to search engines, as google, yahoo and bing. Choosing keywords and tags that relates to your business will also help your business rank higher in search, and enable search engines to pick up your contents faster. Such that when people search for something relevant to those keywords, your contents appears at least, on the first page of search. Creating online contents that are search engine friendly, requires skills professionalism. This is why you need to hire a good content creator to write about your business, products and services that will enable your business rank higher in search engines for better popularity.
This are my lists of seven key ways to increase your business traffic on the Internet and on social media. Always comeback here for more interesting posts. Thanks!
How To Drive Traffic To Your Business On Social Media.
Driving more traffic to your business on all social sites, requires patience, commitment and determination. It requires you to always make out time to engage with your potential customers and clients on social networks. Remember, you're the salesperson, proper packaging of your goods and services and politeness, will help you drive more traffic
How To Make Your Business Stand-out In Social Media.
Social media business success is absolutely possible, and without hassles. But a lot of small business owners finds it very awkward to succeed in social media. Making your business stand-out in social media, requires you to know the nifty-gritty involved. To succeed in social media business always be passionate about carrying your customers and clients along.
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How Creating Content, Can Boost Your Small Business
Creating online content is invaluable for your small business. Everyday, millions of people and your potential customers and clients search the internet for information relating to their needs or areas of interest. The social media connects you and your business with your customers and clients. But creating a great and interesting online content will help your business to be visible to anyone on the internet through the search engines, like Google, which is the biggest, bing and yahoo. This requires you to have a corporate business blog or website where you talk about your products and services. Using the right keywords will get the search engines pick up your content faster and present to any user. You can do it yourself, or you can hire an online content creator like me, to do it for you.
Are You Using The Social Media For Your Small Business?
Gone are the days when small business owners shied from online form of doing business, and treat social media business marketing with great levity. The importance of using the social media can't be outstretched, because more of your potential customers and clients are on this social sites as:Facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, Google plus and YouTube. This are the days of information age, where people depends on the internet as a source of information. You definitely need to have a social media account for your business to connect with your customers and clients, and get your business known to whole world.
How Being An Introvert or Extrovert Can Affect Your Small Business.
Do our temperaments really influence our choice of career, relationship with others, and how we do business? Or is business for few people only and not for others? Why do some people succeed in business and others do not? These are some of the mind bugging questions that needs an urgent and elaborate answer, in order to begin to harness or collate what might be responsible for your business success or failure, and also strategize better ways of managing your business to achieve the expected result as a small business owner. First and Foremost, let distinguish between the "extroverts" and the "introverts". Who are they? Simply put, the extroverts are turned-outwards. That is, they're more concerned about external things, they spend, and have more time with other people out there, than they do have for themselves. While the introverts are opposite, they're rather turned-inwards. They are extremely conscious of themselves and their environment. They prefer spending quality time with themselves and have little for others. Now, how does these two different personalities and traits relate to your business? How do they affect your business? Which of them should better manage a business? Or which should you consider when it comes to hiring someone to manage your business? When it has to do with succeeding in a business, you definitely need to explore and employ all necessary and available tools in order to carve out a niche for yourself. You need to have little traits of both the extroverts and the introverts to be able to effectively and efficiently manage a business and eventually succeed in it. Probably, you need to hire the services of both, if you're considering hiring someone to manage your business. Now, why do i say these? You'll obviously discover that from the characteristics of the extroverts, they're goal-getters, they get the job done by going out there for marketing your products and services. They've got the power of words that can convince anyone to purchase a particular product. They can generate leads for your business, attract more customers and clients, and make your business known to people. They are very skilled and gifted in doing all that, and every small business owner or business organizations cannot shied away from the services of an extroverts to make their business blossom, because they've got the innate ability to make a business go viral, increase sales and generate leads. Introverts, on the other hand, are analytical and innovative thinkers. They can read and forecast the market with their intuitive and analytical minds. They are extremely good innovators, with the ability to come up with new ideas and new areas to pitch your business tenth, and make your business grow or improve in quality. Better and efficient ways of packaging your products and services to make them appear very attractive to your potential customers and clients can also be traced to the innovative ability of the introverts. These two personalities complements the services of each other, and you can't do without the services of either of them to make your business grow. I know of an author who has written and published a very interesting book on marriage and relationship with a huge amount of money. Suffice it to say that, this author must be an introvert for having the patient to sit down and write a book. I believe so many authors will definitely agree with me on the fact that, it takes patient, creative and an analytical mind to author a book. For more than two years of publishing that book, he was not able to sell-off fifty out of over a thousand copies of that particular book, until he realized that he actually needs the services of an extrovert to assist him in getting those books into the market. Statistics also shows that most of the worlds entrepreneurs are actually introverts, who were able to nurture and build their businesses to a very large corporation or empire, by employing the services of the extroverts to get their business known to the whole world. As a small business owner, if you can develop and combine the skills of both the extroverts and the introverts, and make it come to bare on your business, the better for your business. But if not, you certainly need to employ the services of both, in order to grow and expand your business.
Do our temperaments really influence our choice of career, relationship with others, and how we do business? Or is business for few people only and not for others? Why do some people succeed in business and others do not? These are some of the mind bugging questions that needs an urgent and elaborate answer, in order to begin to harness or collate what might be responsible for your business success or failure, and also strategize better ways of managing your business to achieve the expected result as a small business owner. First and Foremost, let distinguish between the "extroverts" and the "introverts". Who are they? Simply put, the extroverts are turned-outwards. That is, they're more concerned about external things, they spend, and have more time with other people out there, than they do have for themselves. While the introverts are opposite, they're rather turned-inwards. They are extremely conscious of themselves and their environment. They prefer spending quality time with themselves and have little for others. Now, how does these two different personalities and traits relate to your business? How do they affect your business? Which of them should better manage a business? Or which should you consider when it comes to hiring someone to manage your business? When it has to do with succeeding in a business, you definitely need to explore and employ all necessary and available tools in order to carve out a niche for yourself. You need to have little traits of both the extroverts and the introverts to be able to effectively and efficiently manage a business and eventually succeed in it. Probably, you need to hire the services of both, if you're considering hiring someone to manage your business. Now, why do i say these? You'll obviously discover that from the characteristics of the extroverts, they're goal-getters, they get the job done by going out there for marketing your products and services. They've got the power of words that can convince anyone to purchase a particular product. They can generate leads for your business, attract more customers and clients, and make your business known to people. They are very skilled and gifted in doing all that, and every small business owner or business organizations cannot shied away from the services of an extroverts to make their business blossom, because they've got the innate ability to make a business go viral, increase sales and generate leads. Introverts, on the other hand, are analytical and innovative thinkers. They can read and forecast the market with their intuitive and analytical minds. They are extremely good innovators, with the ability to come up with new ideas and new areas to pitch your business tenth, and make your business grow or improve in quality. Better and efficient ways of packaging your products and services to make them appear very attractive to your potential customers and clients can also be traced to the innovative ability of the introverts. These two personalities complements the services of each other, and you can't do without the services of either of them to make your business grow. I know of an author who has written and published a very interesting book on marriage and relationship with a huge amount of money. Suffice it to say that, this author must be an introvert for having the patient to sit down and write a book. I believe so many authors will definitely agree with me on the fact that, it takes patient, creative and an analytical mind to author a book. For more than two years of publishing that book, he was not able to sell-off fifty out of over a thousand copies of that particular book, until he realized that he actually needs the services of an extrovert to assist him in getting those books into the market. Statistics also shows that most of the worlds entrepreneurs are actually introverts, who were able to nurture and build their businesses to a very large corporation or empire, by employing the services of the extroverts to get their business known to the whole world. As a small business owner, if you can develop and combine the skills of both the extroverts and the introverts, and make it come to bare on your business, the better for your business. But if not, you certainly need to employ the services of both, in order to grow and expand your business.
How Social Media Engagement Can Improve Your Small Business.
A lot of small business owners are often too busy to engage, interact or connect with their fans, clients and customers on social sites. They're only concerned and interested in selling off their products and services, so they can make more profits. Or they're rather too busy to spare a little time on various social sites to interact and converse with their clients and customers on this social sites. This is definitely a bad omen for your small business, that will make your business not to succeed on social media, because it negates social media business marketing ethics and practices. And so many small business owners are often guilty of this practices. Selling of your goods and services is actually the sole aim of every business that is started on a low capital. More to it, is the fact that you need to build your connections, grow your networks and share ideas with others on how to improve the quality of your goods and services. The truth of the matter is that, People want to see you and no more about you, and about your business, before they can be compelled to purchase your products or services. Take for instance, you've created a Facebook business page for your business, a twitter, linkedin, pinterest, Google plus, YouTube and foresquare business accounts for your business. But you never log into those accounts to see posts, tweets and messages your potential customers and clients are sending about your business, or you probably ignore them, without any reply. This is extremely appalling, and a bad social media business marketing attitude that will never help your small business to succeed on the internet. It is very pertinent for you to know that your potential customers and clients wants to engage, connect and interact with you on social sites. They want to know more about you and your business, before they can be confident of purchasing what you offer. You as the small business owner, you're representing your business when you engage with them on social media, and your business is representing you in terms of quality and packaging. Because it is how you package your products and services that will attract more people to patronize you. You frequently need to make out sometime to engage and interact with your fans, clients, customers and everybody on social media who is interested in your business. Talk to them about your business, share business ideas with them, ask them what else they would like see on your business page, and endeavour to always find out what they're saying about your business. It will definitely help your small business to grow on social media. Because the more you interact and connect with your fans, clients and customers on your business page, the more you're building their trust and confident in your business, and the more you'll make more sales and profits. Remember, you're the salesperson, and it is how you package, engage and interact with people that will drive traffic to your business. So when next you log into your social media business account, don't ignore those messages, posts or tweets you see on your dashboard. Try to respond to all of them, and hobb-nobb with your customers and clients a little, you can share nice posts on your page about latest goods and services, or improvement about your business, you can leave questions behind on your page, and you can even send personal messages to many of your clients and customers. Creating a Facebook group for your business, where your clients and customers can also connect and interact with each other, and share ideas will also help to boost your business on Facebook and make it go viral. Apart from Facebook group, twitter lists is also another platform to bring all your fans, clients and customers to discuss about your business and share ideas with each other. You definitely need to take advantage of all this available opportunities on social media to grow and improve the quality of your social media business marketing strategies.
How To Start A Social Media Marketing For Your Small Business.
The goal of every small business owner in setting up a business is to market their products and services and increase their volume of sales, thereby maximizing profits. The advent of technology has made online marketing so easy, such that you do not need to physically see your clients or customers before your products and services can be marketed. Social media marketing is essential for small business owners willing to expand their business and market their products and services through the internet. The first step to starting a social media marketing for your small business is to, decide on the kind of products or service you want to offer. This is important because it will help you to have a knowledge of the business, so you can choose the best social media platform suitable for such business. After deciding on the type of business you want to go into, you need to create a website or blog for your business, which you'll use to tell the whole world about your business. This can actually be a boring or an awkward task for some small business owners, especially if you do not have a flare for writing or creating online content for your small business. However, you can hire an expert or an online content creator like me, to write about your business, it may only cost some few dollars. Or if you do not wish to own a website or blog, you can find a blogger within your locality to help create content for your business, write about your products and services and advertise your business on their blog. An online store is a part or section of a blog or website where you can display your products, if your business has to do with product marketing. You need to have your own registered domain name to be able to operate an online store. Wordpress, and other blogging platforms as webstarts and webs offers an online stores, but you need to upgrade your account before you can actually use it to display your products on the internet. However, there are some Google free hosted sites in some countries that gives you the privilege to showcase your products and services on a section of the website page. You need to find out in your country to know if such Google free hosted website are available in your country. For small businesses in Nigeria, Google has made it easy for you to own a business website, where you can advertise your business, products and services. It is called the "get nigerian business online" website, with the acronym "gnbo". You must have a Google account to be able to create this Google free hosted website. But the only disadvantage with this free hosted website by Google is that, the web address might become to long for your customers and clients to remember, as it will contain the acronym "gnbo". Another way you can use the social media for marketing your products and services, is by creating an account with your business name on various social sites, like, having a Facebook business page with your business name, twitter for business, linkedin for growing your business network, Google plus to share your business with your circles, pinterest and YouTube to upload and share pictures and videos of your products and services. Always endeavour to engage with your customers and clients on all these social media platforms, so they can repose their confidence in you. Use Google places to properly describe your business address, so your customers can locate you within your area. Foresquare and yelp also helps your clients and customers to leave a recommendation about your business, and describe your business location for others to see and know about your products and services. Social media marketing is certainly a medium of marketing your products and services and get more customers.
The goal of every small business owner in setting up a business is to market their products and services and increase their volume of sales, thereby maximizing profits. The advent of technology has made online marketing so easy, such that you do not need to physically see your clients or customers before your products and services can be marketed. Social media marketing is essential for small business owners willing to expand their business and market their products and services through the internet. The first step to starting a social media marketing for your small business is to, decide on the kind of products or service you want to offer. This is important because it will help you to have a knowledge of the business, so you can choose the best social media platform suitable for such business. After deciding on the type of business you want to go into, you need to create a website or blog for your business, which you'll use to tell the whole world about your business. This can actually be a boring or an awkward task for some small business owners, especially if you do not have a flare for writing or creating online content for your small business. However, you can hire an expert or an online content creator like me, to write about your business, it may only cost some few dollars. Or if you do not wish to own a website or blog, you can find a blogger within your locality to help create content for your business, write about your products and services and advertise your business on their blog. An online store is a part or section of a blog or website where you can display your products, if your business has to do with product marketing. You need to have your own registered domain name to be able to operate an online store. Wordpress, and other blogging platforms as webstarts and webs offers an online stores, but you need to upgrade your account before you can actually use it to display your products on the internet. However, there are some Google free hosted sites in some countries that gives you the privilege to showcase your products and services on a section of the website page. You need to find out in your country to know if such Google free hosted website are available in your country. For small businesses in Nigeria, Google has made it easy for you to own a business website, where you can advertise your business, products and services. It is called the "get nigerian business online" website, with the acronym "gnbo". You must have a Google account to be able to create this Google free hosted website. But the only disadvantage with this free hosted website by Google is that, the web address might become to long for your customers and clients to remember, as it will contain the acronym "gnbo". Another way you can use the social media for marketing your products and services, is by creating an account with your business name on various social sites, like, having a Facebook business page with your business name, twitter for business, linkedin for growing your business network, Google plus to share your business with your circles, pinterest and YouTube to upload and share pictures and videos of your products and services. Always endeavour to engage with your customers and clients on all these social media platforms, so they can repose their confidence in you. Use Google places to properly describe your business address, so your customers can locate you within your area. Foresquare and yelp also helps your clients and customers to leave a recommendation about your business, and describe your business location for others to see and know about your products and services. Social media marketing is certainly a medium of marketing your products and services and get more customers.
How To Use Facebook Business Page To Grow Your Small Business.
A lot of small business owners are still oblivious of the efficacy of using the Facebook business page in growing and improving their online products and services marketing. Do you know that millions of people all over the world access Facebook daily? And millions of your potential customers and clients are always on the internet to discover new products and services. A Facebook business page will definitely do the magic of reaching these millions of people and connect your customers and clients directly with your business. A Facebook business page is actually your brand name on Facebook, that everybody wants to see and connect with. Facebook gives you the opportunity to choose a brand name for your business, and categorize your type of business to let people know your business is all about. The most important section of your Facebook business page, is your "about" section. This is where your potential customers and clients actually look out for, in order to know what your business is all about. This is where a lot of small business owners actually miss out, because they do not write anything on their about page. It is absolutely appalling to not describe your business on your Facebook business page, because, this where anyone will like to check before proceeding to view what you've got to offer. You definitely need to extensively and comprehensively described your business on the "about" page of your Facebook business page to let people know more about your products and services. Advertising your business page on Facebook will also help to increase the visibility of your business page and allow more people to see it. When you advertise your business page on Facebook, Facebook automatically features your page all the time, for more people to connect with your business, thereby increasing the number of your customers and clients, and also increases your marketing ability. You've got to always connect and engage with your customers and clients on your page in order for them to gain your trust and believe in what you're doing. So many business owners do not actually engage and interact with their clients and customers on their Facebook page. It's actually a wrong online social media marketing practice that can hinder your business from succeeding online. So many of your customers and clients are looking forward to engaging and interacting with you on your page, because they want to know more about your business, so you definitely need to oblige them the opportunity to interact with you on your business page, so as to retain the confidence they have in you. Find time to always respond to their posts and questions. This will help them to know that they're not just wasting their time liking your page.
A lot of small business owners are still oblivious of the efficacy of using the Facebook business page in growing and improving their online products and services marketing. Do you know that millions of people all over the world access Facebook daily? And millions of your potential customers and clients are always on the internet to discover new products and services. A Facebook business page will definitely do the magic of reaching these millions of people and connect your customers and clients directly with your business. A Facebook business page is actually your brand name on Facebook, that everybody wants to see and connect with. Facebook gives you the opportunity to choose a brand name for your business, and categorize your type of business to let people know your business is all about. The most important section of your Facebook business page, is your "about" section. This is where your potential customers and clients actually look out for, in order to know what your business is all about. This is where a lot of small business owners actually miss out, because they do not write anything on their about page. It is absolutely appalling to not describe your business on your Facebook business page, because, this where anyone will like to check before proceeding to view what you've got to offer. You definitely need to extensively and comprehensively described your business on the "about" page of your Facebook business page to let people know more about your products and services. Advertising your business page on Facebook will also help to increase the visibility of your business page and allow more people to see it. When you advertise your business page on Facebook, Facebook automatically features your page all the time, for more people to connect with your business, thereby increasing the number of your customers and clients, and also increases your marketing ability. You've got to always connect and engage with your customers and clients on your page in order for them to gain your trust and believe in what you're doing. So many business owners do not actually engage and interact with their clients and customers on their Facebook page. It's actually a wrong online social media marketing practice that can hinder your business from succeeding online. So many of your customers and clients are looking forward to engaging and interacting with you on your page, because they want to know more about your business, so you definitely need to oblige them the opportunity to interact with you on your business page, so as to retain the confidence they have in you. Find time to always respond to their posts and questions. This will help them to know that they're not just wasting their time liking your page.
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